Sunday, October 10, 2010

Toyota’s Lexus LFA sold out before even hitting the markets

I am sure the people at Toyota are very very happy. At a time when most car companies are finding it hard to maintain their business, Toyota’s latest offering, the Lexus LFA , has sold out! And that too before even hitting the market! The company had planned to bring out this model in a limited edition, with just 20 cars made every month at their Motomachi plant in Tokyo, and 500 makes in total.

The majority (about one third) orders have come from Germany. Considering that the Germans themselves make the best cars, I am guessing that they also know a good car when they see it. The US customers it seems will have to wait for it as there is some rule about leasing the car for two years before one can buy it.

Aside from the amazing looks, this car boasts of equally amazing technical features as well. It is a 552 horsepower mean machine that runs on a 4.8 litre V10 engine. Offering a top speed of 202mph, the car can accelerate from 0 to 62mph in a mere 3.7 seconds! The LFA costs $375,000, and it’s popularity might be used by Toyota to penetrate the European markets.

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